Standard 4 Create and maintain supportive and safe environments
4.1 Support student participation.
Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities
4.1 Support student participation.
Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities
The activities need to interest them, challenge them and include them. The above photo is a script written from a play one of the reading groups performed. Having words written on placards, to be read out by the performers as well as the audience, enabled low literacy students to be better involved as well as the audience (which was the remainder of the class) to be fully engaged.
4.2 Manage classroom activities.
Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions.
Evidence: Designed and set up maths activities both as a whole class and in groups.
Designed and set up activities for grammar and reading both as a whole class and as groups..
Maths groups consisted of fractions, direction, shapes, mapping, area, perimeter, portions,
Grammar groups consisted of creating “silly sentences” using joining words
Reading activities modelled prior to group tasks that discussed the book they just read and completed set tasks such as Director, Passage Picker, Illustrator. I modelled using the class PATHS novel “Terrabithia"
4.2 Manage classroom activities.
Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions.
Evidence: Designed and set up maths activities both as a whole class and in groups.
Designed and set up activities for grammar and reading both as a whole class and as groups..
Maths groups consisted of fractions, direction, shapes, mapping, area, perimeter, portions,
Grammar groups consisted of creating “silly sentences” using joining words
Reading activities modelled prior to group tasks that discussed the book they just read and completed set tasks such as Director, Passage Picker, Illustrator. I modelled using the class PATHS novel “Terrabithia"
Some other Maths activities
Establish 4 or 5 groups of activities and rotate. Examples (1) Fraction puzzle (2) Cut out and design own fraction and correctly label it
(3) Use wooden lego to make various fractions from a group of 24 and correctly name the fraction created, (4) Extension work sheet comprising addition and subtraction of fractions, including some equivalent fractions (5) Working involving calculation of perimeter.
Explain to each group and assist where needed. Sometimes this needs to be explained a few times until the student gets an "ah ah moment."
4. 3 Manage challenging behaviour.
Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to mange challenging behaviour.
Evidence: Followed school guidelines using 1-2-3 Magic.
Firstly avoid such behaviour by encouraging a positive and safe environment through an inclusive tolerate policy that addresses the needs of each individual child in a challenging and supportive manner. However should challenging behaviour arise, school policy is the use of 1-2-3 Magic.
Ignore small issues that are attention seeking as long as they are not interfering or hurting anyone else. If needs be - change the seating arrangements, use time out, staying in at recess/ lunch where possible and as a last resort place child on detention and ensure that the offensive behaviour is discussed with them and that their parents are “kept in the loop”.
Reference material SMC policy manual; Slee, June
4. 4 Maintain student safety.
Describe strategies that support students’ well-being and safety working within the school/ and or support system, curriculum and legislative requirements.
Clearly establish expected behaviours and routines. Discuss with the class group the importance of these expected behaviours and the consequences for both self and others, if they are not adhered to. Have these expectations written up and clearly visible to all students in the classroom.
Ensure physical environment is safe, no tolerance for aggressive behaviour, positioning of students, vigilance, know students and their behaviours, remove danger, seek help, sort out any friction, explain the situation, scaffold student social / moral development. Teachers have a duty of care at all times for all students within their care. This includes the playground.
4. 5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically.
Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.
Discuss the issues involved...when using the internet to maintain safety. Remind children of the necessity to speak to a parent or teacher if feeling unsafe or experiencing "cyber bullying". Dont allow students to bring and use their own technology to school. Adhere to school guidelines and policies regarding use of personal technologies and internet.
Do not show or allow students to access inappropriate material. Parental approval must be gained if showing children films that are rated above G.
Establish 4 or 5 groups of activities and rotate. Examples (1) Fraction puzzle (2) Cut out and design own fraction and correctly label it
(3) Use wooden lego to make various fractions from a group of 24 and correctly name the fraction created, (4) Extension work sheet comprising addition and subtraction of fractions, including some equivalent fractions (5) Working involving calculation of perimeter.
Explain to each group and assist where needed. Sometimes this needs to be explained a few times until the student gets an "ah ah moment."
4. 3 Manage challenging behaviour.
Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to mange challenging behaviour.
Evidence: Followed school guidelines using 1-2-3 Magic.
Firstly avoid such behaviour by encouraging a positive and safe environment through an inclusive tolerate policy that addresses the needs of each individual child in a challenging and supportive manner. However should challenging behaviour arise, school policy is the use of 1-2-3 Magic.
Ignore small issues that are attention seeking as long as they are not interfering or hurting anyone else. If needs be - change the seating arrangements, use time out, staying in at recess/ lunch where possible and as a last resort place child on detention and ensure that the offensive behaviour is discussed with them and that their parents are “kept in the loop”.
Reference material SMC policy manual; Slee, June
4. 4 Maintain student safety.
Describe strategies that support students’ well-being and safety working within the school/ and or support system, curriculum and legislative requirements.
Clearly establish expected behaviours and routines. Discuss with the class group the importance of these expected behaviours and the consequences for both self and others, if they are not adhered to. Have these expectations written up and clearly visible to all students in the classroom.
Ensure physical environment is safe, no tolerance for aggressive behaviour, positioning of students, vigilance, know students and their behaviours, remove danger, seek help, sort out any friction, explain the situation, scaffold student social / moral development. Teachers have a duty of care at all times for all students within their care. This includes the playground.
4. 5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically.
Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.
Discuss the issues involved...when using the internet to maintain safety. Remind children of the necessity to speak to a parent or teacher if feeling unsafe or experiencing "cyber bullying". Dont allow students to bring and use their own technology to school. Adhere to school guidelines and policies regarding use of personal technologies and internet.
Do not show or allow students to access inappropriate material. Parental approval must be gained if showing children films that are rated above G.
Proficient Standards
Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
Focus area 4.1 Support student participation
Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities
Evidence (4.1)
Focus area 4.2 Manage classroom activities
Establish and maintain orderly and workable routines to create an environment where student time is spent on learning tasks.
Evidence (4.2) (Lesson Observation)
Line up before entry to establish calm down and establish a mind set suitable for classroom learning.
Establish a routine to start of learning
Seating Plan (this means 2 or 3 for each Science class, which makes it more challenging that other subject areas.
A revision and /or Starter activity, New information - 3 chunks, Recap and Plenary
Hand up to ask a question so that everyone can hear each other
Planning room questions for unacceptable behaviour.
Establish and maintain orderly and workable routines to create an environment where student time is spent on learning tasks.
Evidence (4.2) (Lesson Observation)
Line up before entry to establish calm down and establish a mind set suitable for classroom learning.
Establish a routine to start of learning
Seating Plan (this means 2 or 3 for each Science class, which makes it more challenging that other subject areas.
A revision and /or Starter activity, New information - 3 chunks, Recap and Plenary
Hand up to ask a question so that everyone can hear each other
Planning room questions for unacceptable behaviour.
Focus area 4.3: Manage challenging behaviour
Manage challenging behaviour by establishing and negotiating clear expectations with students and address discipline issues promptly, fairly and respectfully
Evidence (4.3) Lesson Observation
Line up before entry to establish calm down and establish a mind set suitable for classroom learning.
Establish a routine to start of learning
Seating Plan (this means 2 or 3 for each Science class, which makes it more challenging that other subject areas.
A revision and /or Starter activity
Hand up to ask a question so that everyone can hear each other
Planning room questions for unacceptable behaviour.
Balanced between quiet and talking time
Manage challenging behaviour by establishing and negotiating clear expectations with students and address discipline issues promptly, fairly and respectfully
Evidence (4.3) Lesson Observation
Line up before entry to establish calm down and establish a mind set suitable for classroom learning.
Establish a routine to start of learning
Seating Plan (this means 2 or 3 for each Science class, which makes it more challenging that other subject areas.
A revision and /or Starter activity
Hand up to ask a question so that everyone can hear each other
Planning room questions for unacceptable behaviour.
Balanced between quiet and talking time
Focus area 4.4: Maintain student safety
Ensure students' well being and safety with in school by implementing school and/ or system, curriculum and legislative requirements
Ensure students' well being and safety with in school by implementing school and/ or system, curriculum and legislative requirements
- Occupational health and Safety, First Aid, CPR, Asthma Training
- Dangerous Goods awareness Training
- Risk Assessment for Pracs
Focus area 4.5: Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically
Incorporate strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching
Evidence (4.5)
Incorporate strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching
- Cyber Safety
- Monitor student activities
- Use film classifications to select movies
- Follow school phone policy
- Photos and recording not permitted in class due privacy laws
Evidence (4.5)