AITSL Standard 7 - Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community.
7.1 Understand and apply the key principles described in codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession.
Evidence: I have attended and participated in parent/teacher/child interviews mid year with Sara Burroughs (grade 5 teacher).
I understand and accept that teachers must set a role model both within the school and within society.
I understand the importance of communicating effectively with colleagues and parents.
I understand the significance of the shared role between parents and teacher of bringing up each child in the manner that they wish. This role takes on an important responsibility both to the child, parents and school. There is an expectation of an academic education in conjunction with a moral and ethical one.
7.1 Understand and apply the key principles described in codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession.
Evidence: I have attended and participated in parent/teacher/child interviews mid year with Sara Burroughs (grade 5 teacher).
I understand and accept that teachers must set a role model both within the school and within society.
I understand the importance of communicating effectively with colleagues and parents.
I understand the significance of the shared role between parents and teacher of bringing up each child in the manner that they wish. This role takes on an important responsibility both to the child, parents and school. There is an expectation of an academic education in conjunction with a moral and ethical one.
7.2 Understand relevant legislation, administrative and organisational policies and process required for teachers according to school stage.
Evidence: I understand the importance of acting within the code of ethics and school guidelines. There is always a duty of care for each child. The class must not be left un attended and there is a duty of care to report suspected sexual, physical, emotional abuse.
Evidence: I understand the importance of acting within the code of ethics and school guidelines. There is always a duty of care for each child. The class must not be left un attended and there is a duty of care to report suspected sexual, physical, emotional abuse.
7.3 Understand strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidently with parents/carers.
Evidence: Always use respect and explain in terms that they can understand without being condescending. Always respect their concerns, take time to talk to them and refer issues onto the line leader if and when necessary. Have records of work or situations to discuss and help explain any of your actions in a positive and meaningful way.
Evidence: Always use respect and explain in terms that they can understand without being condescending. Always respect their concerns, take time to talk to them and refer issues onto the line leader if and when necessary. Have records of work or situations to discuss and help explain any of your actions in a positive and meaningful way.
7. 4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities.
Understand the role of external professionals and community representatives in broadening teachers' professional knowledge and practice.
Evidence: It is of great value to seek and learn from other professionals and community representatives to broaden knowledge and practice. I have questioned and observed other professionals in the field where possible to increase and strengthen my knowledge. I have attended professional development days when the opportunity has arisen. I have sourced material on the internet and ACARA website to broaden my knowledge base.
Understand the role of external professionals and community representatives in broadening teachers' professional knowledge and practice.
Evidence: It is of great value to seek and learn from other professionals and community representatives to broaden knowledge and practice. I have questioned and observed other professionals in the field where possible to increase and strengthen my knowledge. I have attended professional development days when the opportunity has arisen. I have sourced material on the internet and ACARA website to broaden my knowledge base.
Proficient Standards
AITSL Standard 7:
Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and community
Focus area 7.1: Meet professional ethics and responsibilities.
Meet codes of ethics and conduct established by regulatory authorities, systems and schools
Evidence (7.1)
Focus area 7.2: Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
Understand the implications of and comply with relevant legislative, administrative, organisational and professional requirements, policies and processes.
Evidence (7.2)
Understand the implications of and comply with relevant legislative, administrative, organisational and professional requirements, policies and processes.
Evidence (7.2)
Focus area 7.3: Engage with parents/carers
Establish and maintain respectful collaborative relationships with parents/carers regarding their children's learning and well being
Evidence (7.3)
Establish and maintain respectful collaborative relationships with parents/carers regarding their children's learning and well being
Evidence (7.3)
Focus area 7.4: Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities
Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice
Evidence (7.4)
Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice
Evidence (7.4)